6 top facts all around the world...Intresting!
Hello, friends, there are some amazing facts you will like.....tell me about your opinion on the facts. Which one do you like the most?
People always told us drink and drive is dangerous, Yes, of course, it is but using a mobile phone while driving is more risky then drink and drive.
Do you know Kola Superdeep borehole is the deepest hole ever created by mankind, it is located in Russia and it is 12.2 Km deep and took a total of 24 years.
There are more than 30 million dead users on Facebook. As we know human beings die and their Facebook account remains active and therefore there are so many dead users on Facebook.
Words famous painting Mona Lisa don't have eyebrows.
“Rhythm” is not only good to listen but it is also the longest English word without a vowel. And “Rhythm” word means a strong, regular repeated pattern of movement or sound.
If you multiply 111,111,111 with 111,111,111 the answer will be 12,345,678,987,654,321.